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Franchak, J.* & Adolph, K. E. (2024). An update of the development of motor behavior WIREs Cogn Sci.2024;e1682​​​​


Karasik, L.*, Adolph, K. E., Fernandes, S.*,Robinson, S.*, & Tamis-LeMonda, C. S. (2023). Gahvora cradling in Tajikistan: Cultural practices and associations with motor development. Child Development. 2023;94:1049–1067.

Blumberg, M. S. & Adolph, K. E. (2023). Infant action and cognition: what's at stake? Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

Blumberg, M. S. & Adolph, K. E. (2023). Protracted development of motor cortex constraints rich interpretations of infant cognitions. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

Han, D., Cole, W., Joh, A., Liu, Y., Robinson, S., & Adolph K. E. (2023). Pitfall or pratfall? Behavioral differences in infant learning from falling. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152, 3243-3265.

Ossmy, O., Han, D., Hoch, J., MacAlpine, P., Stone, P., & Adolph, K. (in press). Walking and falling: Using simulated robots to model the role of errors in infant walking. Developmental Science. [Ossmy & Han, shared first authorship]


Adolph, K. E. & West, K. L.* (2022). Autism: The face value of eye contact. Current Biology, 32, R559–R588.

Kaplan, B. E., Rachwani, J., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., & Adolph, K. E. (2022). The process of learning the designed actions of toys. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 221, 105442.

Ossmy, O., Kaplan, B. E., Han, D., Xu, M., Bianco, C., Mukamel, R., & Adolph, K. E. (2022). Real-time processes in the development of action planning. Current biology, 32, 190-199.

Rachwani, J., Herzberg, O.*, Kaplan, B. E.*, Comalli, D. M.*, O’Grady, S.*, & Adolph, K. E. (2022). Flexibility in action: Development of locomotion under overhead barriers. Developmental Psychology, 58, 807-820.

West, K. L.*, Fletcher, K. K.*, Adolph, K. E., & Tamis-LeMonda, C. S. (2022). Mothers talk about infants' actions: How verbs correspond to infants' real-time behavior. Developmental Psychology, 58, 405-416.


Adolph, K. E. & Young, J. W. (2021). Learning to move in the real worldScience, 373, 620-621

Han, D., & Adolph, K. E. (2021). The impact of errors in infant development: Falling like a babyDevelopmental science, 24(5), e13069.

Hoang, L.*, Hoch, J.*, Ossmy, O.*, Adolph, K. E., Fern, X., & Fern, A. (2021). Modeling infant free-play behavior using Hidden Markov Models. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning ICDL-EPIROB. Finalist for best paper award.

Hoch, J. E.*, Ossmy, O.*, Cole, W. G.*, Hasan, S.*, & Adolph, K. E. (2021). "Dancing" together: Infant-mother locomotor synchronyChild Development, 92, 1337-1353.

Hospodar, C. M., Hoch, J. E., Lee, D. K., Shrout, P. E., & Adolph, K. E. (2021). Practice and proficiency: Factors that facilitate infant walking skillDevelopmental Psychobiology, 63, e22187.

Ossmy, O.*, Han, D.*, Kaplan, B.E.*, Xu, M.*, Bianco, C.*, Mukamel, R., & Adolph, K. E. (2021). Children do not distinguish efficient from inefficient actions during observationScientific Reports, 11, 18106. 

Rachwani, J., Kaplan, B. E.*, Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., &Adolph, K. E. (2021). Children's use of everyday artifacts: Learning the hidden affordance of zipping. Developmental Psychobiology, 63, 793-799. 

Soska, K.C.*, Xu, M.*, Gonazalez, S. L.*, Herzberg, O.*, Tamis-Lemonda, C. S., Gilmore, R. O, & Adolph, K. E. (2021). (Hyper)active data curation: A video case study from behavioral scienceJournal of eScience Librarianship, 10, e1208.s 


Adolph, K. E. (2020). Oh, behave! Presidential address. Infancy, 25, 347-392.

Hoch, J. E., Rachwani, J., & Adolph, K. E. (2020). Where infants go: Real-time dynamics of locomotor exploration in crawling and walking infants Child Development, 91, 1001-1020.

Lockman, J. J., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., & Adolph, K. E. (2020). Missing in action: Tool use is action based. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 43, e170.

Ossmy, O., Adolph, K.E. (2020). Real-time assembly of coordination patterns in human infantsCurrent Biology, 30, 1-10.

Ossmy, O., Han, D., Chen, M., Kaplan, B., & Adolph, K. E. (2020). Look before you fit: The real-time planning cascade in children and adultsJournal of Experimental Child Psychology, 189, 104696.

Rachwani, J., Kaplan, B. E., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Adolph, K. E. (2020). Children’s use of everyday artifacts: Learning the hidden affordance of zippingDevelopmental Psychobiology, 1– 7.

Rachwani, J., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Lockman, J. J., Karasik, L. B., Adolph, K. E. (2020). Learning the Designed Actions of Everyday ObjectsJournal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 67-78 .

Shaw, P., Lee, M., Shen, Q., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Adolph, K. E., Oudeyer, P. Y., & Popp, J. (2020). Editorial: Modeling Play in Early Infant Development. Frontiers in neurorobotics, 14, 50.

Sheskin, M., Scott, K., Mills C. M., Bergelson, E., Bonawitz, E., Spelke, E. S., Fei-Fei, L., Keil, F. C., Gweon, H., Tenenbaum, J. B., Jara-Ettinger, J., Adolph, K. E., Rhodes, M., Frank, M. C., Mehr, S. A., & Schulz, L. (2020). Online developmental science to foster innovation, access, and impact. Trends in Cognitive Science, 24, 675-678.


Adolph, K. E. (2019). An ecological approach to learning in (not and) developmentHuman Development, 63, 180-201.

Adolph, K. E. & Hoch. J. E. (2019). Motor development: Embodied, embedded, enculturated, and enablingAnnual Review of Psychology, 70, 141-164.

Cole, W. G., Vereijken, B., Young, J. W., Robinson, S. R., & Adolph, K. E. (2019). Use it or lose it? Effects of age, experience, and disuse on crawlingDevelopmental Psychobiology, 61, 29-42. .

Heiman, C. M., Cole, W. G., Lee, D. K., & Adolph, K. E. (2019). Object interaction and walking: Integration of old and new skills in infant development. Infancy, 24, 547-569. .

Hoch, J. E., O'Grady, S., & Adolph, K. E. (2019). It's the journey, not the destination: Locomotor exploration in infantsDevelopmental Science, e12740.

LoBue, V. & Adolph, K. E. (2019). Fear in infancy: Lessons from snakes, spiders, heights, and strangers. Developmental Psychology, 55, 1889-1907.

Rachwani, J., Herzberg, O., Golenia, L., & Adolph, K. E. (2019). Postural, visual, and manual coordination in the development of prehensionChild Development, 90, 1559-1568.

Soska, K. C.*, Rachwani, J.*, Hofsten, C., & Adolph, K. E. (2019). Infants plan prehension while pivotingDevelopmental Psychobiology, 61, 1048-1063.


Adolph, K. E., Hoch, J. E., & Cole, W. G. (2018). Development (of walking): 15 suggestionsTrends in Cognitive Sciences, 22, 699-711.

Franchak, J. M., Kretch, K. S., & Adolph, K. E. (2018). See and be seen: Infant-caregiver social looking during locomotor free playDevelopmental Science, 21, e12626.

Gilmore, R. O., Kennedy, J. L., & Adolph, K. E. (2018). Practical solutions for sharing data and materials from Psychological ResearchAdvances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS).

Karasik, L. B., Ossmy, O., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., & Adolph, K. E. (2018). The ties that bind: Cradling in TajikistanPLOS ONE, 13, e0204428.

Lee, D. K., Cole, W. G., Golenia, L., & Adolph, K. E. (2018). The cost of simplifying complex developmental phenomena: A new perspective on learning to walkDevelopmental Science, 21, e12615.

Ossmy, O.*, Hoch, J. E.*, MacAlpine, P., Hasan, S., Stone, P., & Adolph, K. E. (2018). Variety wins: Soccer-playing robots and infant walkingFrontiers in Neurorobotics, 12: 19. [Ossmy & Hoch, shared first authorship].


Adolph, K. E., Gilmore, R. O., & Kennedy, J. L. (2017). Video data and documentation will improve psychological sciencePsychological Science Agenda, (/science/about /psa/2017/10/index.aspx).

Comalli, D. M., Persand, D., & Adolph, K. E. (2017). Motor decisions are not black and white: Selecting actions in the "gray zone"Experimental Brain Research, 235, 1793-1807.

Gilmore, R.O. & Adolph, K. E. (2017). Video can make behavioral science more reproducible. Nature Human Behavior, 1, 1-2.

Kretch, K. S. & Adolph, K. E. (2017). The organization of exploratory behaviors in infant locomotor planningDevelopmental Science, 20, 1-17.

Rachwani, J., Soska, K. C., & Adolph, K. E. (2017). Behavioral flexibility in learning to sitDevelopmental Psychobiology. 2017, 1-12.


Adolph, K. E. (2016). Video as data: From transient behavior to tangible recordingAPS Observer, 29, 23-25.

Adolph, K. E. & Franchak, J. M. (2016). The development of motor behaviorWIREs Cogn Sci, 8, 1-18.

Cole, W. G., Robinson, S. R., & Adolph, K. E. (2016). Bouts of steps: The organization of infant explorationDevelopmental Psychobiology, 58, 341-354.

Comalli, D. M., Keen, R., Abraham, E. S., Foo, V. J., Lee, M-H., & Adolph, K. E. (2016). The Development of tool use: Planning for end-state comfortDevelopmental Psychology, 52, 1878-1892.

Franchak, J. M., Heeger, D. J., Hasson, U., & Adolph, K. E. (2016). Free-viewing gaze behavior in infants and adultsInfancy, 21, 262-287.

Gilmore, R. O., Adolph, K. E., Millman, D. S., & Gordon. A (2016). Transforming education research through open video data sharingAdvances in Engineering Education, 5.

Karasik, L. B., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S, & Adolph, K. E. (2016). Decisions at the brink: Locomotor experience affects infants' use of social information on an adjustable drop-offFrontiers in Psychology, 7, 797.


Gordon, A. S., Millman, D. S., Steiger, L., Adolph, K. E., & Gilmore, R. O. (2015). Researcher-library collaborations: Data repositories as a service for researchersJournal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 3(2), 1-17.

Karasik, L. B., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Adolph, K. E., & Bornstein, M. H. (2015). Places and postures: A cross-cultural comparison of sitting in 5-month-oldsJournal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46, 1023-1038.

Kretch, K. S. & Adolph, K. E. (2015). Active vision in passive locomotion: Real-world free viewing in infants and adultsDevelopmental Science, 18, 736-750.

Nayar, K., Franchak, J., Adolph, K., & Kiorpes, L. (2015). From local to global processing: The development of illusory contour perceptionJournal of Experimental Child Psychology, 131, 38-55.

Soska, K. C., Robinson, S. R., & Adolph, K. E. (2015). A new twist on old ideas: how sitting reorients crawlersDevelopmental Science, 18, 206-218.


Adolph, K. E., Kretch, K. S., & LoBue, V. (2014). Fear of heights in infants? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23, 60-66.

Adolph, K. E. & Tamis-LeMonda, C. S. (2014). The costs and benefits of development: The transition from crawling to walkingChild Development Perspectives, 8, 187-192.

Berger, S. E., Chan, G., & Adolph, K. E. (2014). What cruising infants understand about support for locomotionInfancy, 19, 117-137.

Cole, W.G., Gill, S.V., Vereijken, B., & Adolph, K.E. (2014). Coping with asymmetry: How infants and adults walk with one elongated legInfant Behavior & Development, 37, 305-314.

Franchak, J. M. & Adolph, K. E. (2014). Affordances as probabilistic functions: Implications for development, perception, and decisions for actionEcological Psychology, 26, 109-124.

Franchak, J. M., & Adolph, K. E. (2014). Gut estimates: Pregnant women adapt to changing possibilities for squeezing through doorwaysAttention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 76, 460-470.

Ishak, S., Franchak, J. M., & Adolph, K. E. (2014). Perception-action development from infants to adults: Perceiving affordances for reaching through openingsJournal of Experimental Child Psychology, 117, 92-105.

Karasik, L. B., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., & Adolph, K. E. (2014). Crawling and walking infants elicit different verbal responses from mothersDevelopmental Science, 17, 388-395.

Keen, R., Lee, M-H., & Adolph, K. E. (2014). Planning an action: A developmental progression in tool useEcological Psychology, 26, 98-108.

Kretch, K. S., Franchak, J. M., & Adolph, K. E. (2014). Crawling and walking infants see the world differentlyChild Development, 85, 1503-1518.

Shapiro, L. J., Cole, W. G., Young, J. W., Raichlen, D. A, Robinson, S. R., & Adolph, K. E (2014). Human quadrupeds, primate quadrupedalism, and Uner Tan SyndromePLoS ONE 9(7), 1-10.

Soska, K. C. & Adolph, K. E. (2014). Posture constrains multi-modal object exploration in infantsInfancy, 19, 138-161.


Cole, W. G., Chan, G. L. Y., Vereijken, B. & Adolph, K. E. (2013). Perceiving affordances for different motor skillsExperimental Brain Research, 225, 309-319.

Comalli, D., Franchak, J., Char, A. & Adolph, K. (2013). Ledge and wedge: Younger and older adults' perception of action possibilitiesExperimental Brain Research, 228, 183-192.

Ekberg, T. L., Rosander, K., von Hofsten, C., Olsson, U., Soska, K. C., & Adolph, K. E. (2013). Infants' dynamic reaching during binocular and monocular viewingExperimental Brain Research, 229, 1-12.

Hedges, J.H., Adolph, K. E., Amso, D., Bavelier, D., Fiez, J. A., Krubitzer, L., McAuley, J. D., Newcombe, N. S., Fitzpatrick, S. M., & Ghajar, J. (2013). Play, attention, and learning: How do play and timing shape the development of attention and influence classroom learning? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1292, 1-20.

Kretch, K. S. & Adolph, K. E. (2013). Cliff or step? Posture-specific learning at the edge of a drop-offChild Development, 84, 226-240.


Adolph, K. E., Cole, W. G., Komati, M., Garciaguirre, J. S., Badaly, D., Lingeman, J. M., Chan, G. L. Y. , & Sotsky, R. B. (2012). How do you learn to walk? Thousands of steps and dozens of falls per dayPsychological Science, 23, 1387-1394. 

Adolph, K. E., Gilmore, R. O., Freeman, C., Sanderson, P., & Millman, D. (2012). Toward open behavioral science. Commentary on Nosek & Bar-Anan's 'Scientific Utopia: I. Opening scientific communication'Psychological Inquiry, 23, 244-247.

Cole, W. G., Lingeman, J. M., & Adolph, K. E. (2012). Go naked: Diapers affect infant  walkingDevelopmental Science, 15, 783-790.

Franchak, J. M. & Adolph, K. E. (2012). What infants know and what they do: Perceiving possibilities for walking through openingsDevelopmental Psychology, 48, 1254-1261.

Franchak, J. M., Celano, E. C., & Adolph, K. E. (2012). Perception of passage through openings depends on the size of the body in motionExperimental Brain Research, 223, 301-310.

Karasik, L. B., Adolph, K. E., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., & Zuckerman, A. L. (2012). Carry on: Spontaneous object carrying in 13-month-old crawling and walking infantsDevelopmental Psychology, 48, 389-397.

Soska, K. C., Galeon, M. A., & Adolph, K. E. (2012). On the other hand: Overflow movement of infants' arms and legs during unimanual object explorationDevelopmental Psychobiology, 54, 372-382.


Adolph, K. E., Berger, S. E., & Leo, A. (2011). Developmental continuity? Crawling, cruising, and walkingDevelopmental Science, 14, 306-318.

Adolph, K. E., & Robinson, S. R. (2011). Sampling development. "Tools of the Trade" section, Journal of Cognition and Development, 12, 411-423.

Franchak, J. M., Kretch, K. S., Soska, K. C., & Adolph, K. E. (2011). Head-mounted eye-tracking: A new method to describe infant lookingChild Development, 82, 1738-1750.

Karasik, L. B., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., & Adolph, K. E. (2011). Transition from crawling to walking and infants' actions with objects and peopleChild Development, 82, 1199-1209.


Adolph, K. E., Joh, A. S., & Eppler, M. A. (2010). Infants' perception of affordances of slopes under high- and low-friction conditionsJournal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 36, 797-811.

Adolph, K. E., Karasik, L. B., & Tamis-LeMonda, C. S. (2010). Using social information to guide action: Infants' locomotion over slippery slopesNeural Networks, 23, 1033-1042. [Special issue on social cognition].

Adolph, K. E., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., & Karasik, L. B. (2010). Cinderella indeed—a commentary on Iverson's "Developing language in a developing body: The relationship between motor development and language development"Journal of Child Language, 37, 269-273.

Berger, S. E., Adolph, K. E., & Kavookjian, A. E. (2010). Bridging the gap: Solving spatial means-ends relations in a locomotor taskChild Development, 81, 1367-1375.

Franchak, J. M. & Adolph, K. E. (2010). Visually guided navigation: Head-mounted eye-tracking of natural locomotion in children and adultsVision Research, 50, 2766-2774.

Franchak, J. M., van der Zalm, D., & Adolph, K. E. (2010). Learning by doing: Action performance improves performance perceptionVision Research, 50, 2758-2765.

Karasik, L. B., Adolph, K. E., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., & Bornstein, M. (2010). WEIRD walking: Cross-cultural differences in motor developmentBehavior and Brain Sciences, 33, 95.

Soska, K. C., Adolph, K. E., & Johnson, S.P. (2010). Systems in development: Motor skill acquisition facilitates 3D object completionDevelopmental Psychology, 46, 129-138.


Gill, S. V., Adolph, K. E., & Vereijken (2009). Change in action: How infants learn to walk down slopesDevelopmental Science, 12, 888-902.


Adolph, K. E (2008). Learning to moveCurrent Directions in Psychological Science, 17, 213-218.

Adolph, K. E. & Robinson, S. R (2008). In defense of change processesChild Development, 79, 1648-1653.

Adolph, K. E., Robinson, S. R., Young, J. W., & Gill-Alvarez, F (2008). What is the shape of developmental change? Psychological Review, 115, 527-543.

Adolph, K. E., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Ishak, S., Karasik, L. B., & Lobo, S. A. (2008). Locomotor experience and use of social information are posture specificDevelopmental Psychology, 44, 1705-1714.

Badaly, D. & Adolph, K. E. (2008). Beyond the average: Walking infants take steps longer than their leg length. Infant Behavior and Development, 31, 554-558.

Ishak, S., Adolph, K. E.,& Lin, G. C. (2008). Perceiving affordances for fitting through aperturesJournal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34, 1501-1514.

Karasik, L. B., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Adolph, K. E., & Dimitropoulou, K. A. (2008). How mothers encourage and discourage infants' motor actionsInfancy, 13, 366-392.

Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Adolph, K. E., Lobo, S. A., Karasik, L. B., Dimitroupoulou, K. D., & Ishak, S. (2008). When infants take mothers' advice: 18-month-olds integrate perceptual and social information for guiding motor actionDevelopmental Psychology, 44, 734-746.


Berger, S. E. & Theuring, C. F., & Adolph, K. E. (2007). How and when infants learn to climb stairs. FLASH Alert to New Science and Health Research Stories. Oxford: Elsevier. (Reprinted from Infant Behavior and Development, 30, 30-49, 2007).

Joh, A. S., Adolph, K. E., Narayanan, P., & Dietz, V. (2007). Gauging possibilities for action based on friction underfootJournal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 33, 1145-1157.

Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Adolph, K. E., Dimitropoulou, K. A., & Zack, E. A. (2007). "No! Don't! Stop!": Mothers' words for impending dangerParenting: Science & Practice, 7, 1-25.

Joh, A. S. & Adolph, K. E (2006). Learning from falling. Child Development, 77, 89-102.

Joh, A. S., Adolph, K. E., Campbell, M. R., & Eppler, M. A (2006). Why walkers slip: Shine is not a reliable cue for slippery groundPerception & Psychophysics, 68, 339-352.


Joh, A. S. & Adolph, K. E (2006). Learning from falling. Child Development, 77, 89-102.

Joh, A. S., Adolph, K. E., Campbell, M. R., & Eppler, M. A (2006). Why walkers slip: Shine is not a reliable cue for slippery groundPerception & Psychophysics, 68, 339-352.


Berger, S. E., Adolph, K. E., & Lobo, S. A (2005). Out of the toolbox: Toddlers differentiate wobbly and wooden handrailsChild Development, 76, 1294-1307.


Adolph, K. E., Vereijken, B., & Shrout, P. E. (2003). What changes in infant walking and whyChild Development, 74, 475-497.

Berger, S.E. & Adolph, K. E. (2003). Infants use handrails as tools in a locomotor task. Developmental Psychology, 39, 594-605.


Adolph, K. E. (2002). Babies' steps make giant strides toward a science of developmentInfant Behavior and Development, 25, 86-90.


Adolph, K. E., Marin, L. M., & Fraisse, F. E. (2001). Learning and exploration: Lessons from infants. Commentary on Stoffregen & BardyBehavioral and Brain Sciences, 24, 213-214.


Adolph, K. E (2000). Specificity of learning: Why infants fall over a veritable cliffPsychological Science, 11, 290-295.

Adolph, K. E. & Avolio, A. M (2000). Walking infants adapt locomotion to changing body dimensionsJournal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 26, 1148-1166.

Adolph, K. E., Eppler, M. A., Marin, L., Weise, I. B., & Clearfield, M. W (2000). Exploration in the service of prospective controlInfant Behavior and Development: Special Issue on Perception-Action Coupling, 23, 441-460.

Mondschein, E. R., Adolph, K. E., & Tamis-LeMonda, C. S (2000). Gender bias in mothers' expectations about infant crawlingJournal of Experimental Child Psychology, Special Issue on Gender, 77, 304-316.


Adolph, K. E. & Eppler, M. A. (1998). Development of visually guided locomotionJournal of Ecological Psychology: Special Issue on Visually Guided Locomotion, 10, 303-322.

Adolph, K. E., Vereijken, B., & Denny, M. (1998). Learning to crawlChild Development, 69, 1299-1312.


Eppler, M. A. & Adolph, K. E. (1997). Toward an ecological approach to perceptual learning and development: Commentary on Michaels and BeekEcological Psychology, 4, 353-356.

Stoffregen, T., Adolph, K. E., Thelen, E., Gorday, K. M., & Sheng, Y. Y. (1997). Toddlers' postural adaptations to different support surfacesMotor Control, 1, 119-137.


Eppler, M. A., Adolph, K. E., & Wiener, T (1996). The developmental relationship between exploration and action on sloping surfaces. Infant Behavior and Development, 19, 259-264.


Adolph, K. E (1995). A psychophysical assessment of toddlers' ability to cope with slopesJournal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 21, 734-750.


Adolph, K. E., Eppler, M. A. & Gibson, E. J (1993). Crawling versus walking infants' perception of affordances for locomotion over sloping surfacesChild Development: Special Issue on Biodynamics, 64, 1158-1174.


Gibson, E. J. & Adolph, K. E (1992). The perceived self in infancy. Psychological Inquiry, 3, 119-121.

Thelen, E. & Adolph, K. E (1992). Arnold L. Gesell: The paradox of nature and nurtureDevelopmental Psychology, 28, 368-380.

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